while ago, I attended preaching workshop. A number of young aspiring
leaders were there. 'Workshops' involve doing something. So I was
looking forward to seeing what would happen. Were we going to preach?
And what was meant by preaching here? Were we going to hit the
town and share the gospel with passers by?
was slightly disappointed, but not really surprised by what actually
happened. The speaker quoted extensively from two great books:
Preaching and Preachers by Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones*
- I Believe in
Preaching by John Stott.
don't know how and when it has happened, but whoever began to call
'teaching' 'preaching' has done us a great disservice.
find it breathtaking and amazing that two of our most noted Christian
leaders* have written entire books on 'preaching', which are regarded
as classics, taking it to mean speaking from church pulpits. Didn't
they even bother to look the word up?
am not just being picky here. This is a serious error. It means that
church leaders can kid themselves that they are doing the work of the
Gospel by preparing a sermon every Sunday. The truth is, when you're
in that pulpit, everyone is sat listening politely in rows. Nobody
heckles, shouts, interrupts – except perhaps with an 'Amen'. It is
not even customary to ask questions at the end**. Few people dare to
challenge you afterwards or say anything discouraging, and hopefully
you will get the odd bouquet.
live in an era when fewer people than ever go outside the walls of a
church to preach even though the need is at its greatest. We should
not be put off by those who do it badly - it can be done very
effectively. Most people in the UK, especially the North, will not
normally go into a church. The old method of taking someone to hear a
preacher at church or an evangelistic crusade will not do it. It may
help, but the real need today is to send people out to preach. Let me
quote for another book still, 'Lectures to my Students' by CH
Spurgeon, who unlike Jones and Stott, devotes a chapter to open air
sort of defense is needed for preaching out-of-doors; but it would
need very potent arguments to prove that a man had done his duty who
has never preached beyond the walls of his meetinghouse. A defense is
required rather for services within buildings than for worship
outside of them. Apologies are certainly wanted for architects who
pile up brick and stone into the skies when there is so much need for
preaching rooms among poor sinners down below.... no defense whatever
is wanted for using the Heavenly Father's vast audience chamber,
which is in every way so well fitted for the proclamation of a Gospel
so free, so full, so expansive, so sublime.
great benefit of open-air preaching is that we get so many newcomers
to hear the Gospel who otherwise would never hear it. The Gospel
command is, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to
every creature," but it is so little obeyed that one would
imagine that it ran thus, "Go into your own place of worship and
preach the Gospel to the few creatures who will come inside."
ought actually to go into the streets and lanes and highways, for
there are lurkers in the hedges, tramps on the highways,
street-walkers and lane-haunters, whom we shall never reach unless we
pursue them into their own domains. Sportsmen must not stop at home
and wait for the birds to come and be shot at, neither must fishermen
throw their nets inside their boats and hope to take many fish.
Traders go to the markets; they follow their customers and go out
after business if it will not come to them; and so must we. Some of
our brethren are prosing on and on to empty pews and musty hassocks,
while they might be conferring lasting benefit upon hundreds by
quitting the old walls for a while, and seeking living stones for
I need to make it clear that I hold Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones in high
regard – do read his books or listen to his sermons. I may do whole
post on him in the near future. Alas, I disagree with John Stott on
so many fundamental issues, and I cannot recommend him.
** Actually, in my view it should be. I may explain why one day
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