It's not good enough to see people who have lived lives of vice and serious sin saved in church only expect them to be respectable 'Sunday Christians' like us, sending them 'home' to places of temptation until our next church meeting. If we are to see people grow strong in the faith we need to set up structures that enable people to be protected. This involves personal sacrifice. Such as?
- Opening our homes, taking in single people and being a family to them
- Setting up 'safe houses'
- Christian households purposely living in close proximity and spending mealtimes with each other
- Adopting children
- Caring for sick, elderly and disabled people among us.
Here are some of Booth's thoughts on these things...
The remedy, to be effectual, must change the circumstances of the
individual when they are the cause of his wretched condition, and lie
beyond his control. Among those who have arrived at their present
evil plight through faults of self-indulgence or some defect in their
moral character, how many are there who would have been very differently
placed to-day had their surroundings been otherwise?
The Army's Founder was able to testify that these methods were effective:
here let me say that it is a great delusion to imagine that in the
riffraff and waste of the labour market there are no workmen to be
had except those that are worthless. Worthless under the present
conditions, exposed to constant temptations to intemperance no doubt
they are, but some of the brightest men in London, with some of the
smartest pairs of hands, and the cleverest brains, are at the present
moment weltering helplessly in the sludge from which we propose to
rescue them.
am not speaking without book in this matter. Some of my best Officers
to-day have been even such as they. There is an infinite potentiality
of capacity lying latent in our Provincial Tap-rooms and the City Gin
Palaces if you can but get them soundly saved, and even short of
that, if you can place them in conditions where they would no longer
be liable to be sucked back into their old disastrous habits, you may
do great things with them.
On befriending unlovable and friendless people:
we are we to bring back the sense of brotherhood to the world, we
must confront this difficulty. God, it was said in old time, setteth
the desolate in families; but somehow, in our time, the desolate
wander alone in the midst of a careless and unsympathising world.
"There is no-one who cares for my soul. There is no creature
loves me, and if I die no one will pity me," is surely one of
the bitterest cries that can burst from a breaking heart. One of the
secrets of the success of the Salvation Army is, that the friendless
of the world find friends in it. There is not one sinner in the
world-- no matter how degraded and dirty he may be--whom my people
will not rejoice to take by the hand and pray with, and labour for,
if thereby they can but snatch him as a brand from the burning. Now,
we want to make more use of this, to make the Salvation Army the
nucleus of a great agency for bringing comfort and counsel to those
who are at their wits' end, feeling as if in the whole world there
was no one to whom they could go.